There are several ways to contribute to Burning Coal Theatre, including subscribing, volunteering time, monetary contributions, tax-deductible contributions, and helping us find housing for artists and tools for our work. Thank you, deeply, for considering giving. Our theatre is here, and we are who we are, in large part because of you. Learn more below.
Thank you for considering supporting our theatre with your time and resources. Every helping hand is valuable and appreciated.
More information on each method of contributing is below, under each tab.
If you have questions or thoughts, call us at 919.834.4001 to discuss!
AND if your employer offers Matching Donations for volunteer hours, be sure to apply for that to double your contribution! Let us know to expect it by emailing development@burningcoal.org.
Interested in meeting new people, interacting with the theatre community, or just looking for something to do? Then become a volunteer! You’ll earn a free ticket to a show and will be providing us with a valuable service.
We have an ongoing volunteer usher email list. Please email info@burningcoal.org to let us know you’d like to join this list and get updates for ushering opportunities. Ushers are required to arrive 1 hour before showtime to help before the show as well as during intermission and a quick clean up after the show.
If you have a specific skill or would like to learn a specific skill (administrative, sewing, lighting, construction, etc.) please call us at 919.834.4001 or email info@burningcoal.org to discuss. To learn about our internship program click here.
We are always looking for groups and individuals that are interested in helping us build a show. Whether you’re a beginner or a pro, your time and help is always welcome. Please call us at 919.834.4001 to discuss.
No single activity helps Burning Coal as much as this one! We need nice, clean, semi-private places to house visiting actors, directors and designers. Anywhere from 1 to 6 weeks needed! Please call us at 919.834.4001 to discuss.
Burning Coal seeks the following items:
Please call us at 919.834.4001 to discuss!
Burning Coal Theatre Company is funded in part by the City of Raleigh based on recommendations of the Raleigh Arts Commission. Burning Coal Theatre Company is supported by the United Arts Council of Raleigh and Wake County.
Burning Coal Theatre | (919) 834-4001 | info@burningcoal.org | 224 Polk St., Raleigh NC 27604
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