

Join us for the next phase of our three year Fuel The Fire campaign as we raise $25,000 to purchase new seats for the Murphey School Auditorium.

For more information, see below. 

Over the last 16 years, since our first show at the Murphey School in 2008, our chairs have witnessed over 100 Burning Coal productions, as well as classes, workshops, guest productions, and private events.

No wonder our chairs look a little tired!

By donating to our Take a Seat Chair Campaign, you can contribute to the next 100 productions!


$250 Donation: Purchases one chair, plus a generous THANK YOU in our 2024-2025 mainstage season programs.

$500 Donation: Purchases one chair with a commemorative plaque, plus a generous THANK YOU in our 2024-2025 mainstage season programs.

Of course, no donation is too small (or too large). And for that, we say “thanks, thanks, and ever thanks”!

Join the campaign today!

Learn more about our 3-year Fuel the Fire giving campaign HERE