Burning Coal Theatre is proud to offer support to young theatre artists through internships. See below for more information.
Burning Coal Theatre Company can create several kinds of internships (see below). Most include Arts Administration. Other possible areas of learning include technical theatre, acting, directing, stage managing or a combination of the above. Those interested in working with Burning Coal as an intern should start by filling out this application, indicating your area of interest, availability (dates and times of day), and a resume. We will call you to set up an interview. Internships are not paid, though housing may be available.
Burning Coal Theatre Company, one of Raleigh, North Carolina’s premiere intimate professional theatres, offers opportunities for summer long internships (usually mid-May to mid-August) with an emphasis on arts management, stage management, directing and technical theatre. All internships include an administrative component and all can be tailored to the specific interests of the intern. Housing is available to out of town interns on a first come, first served basis. Please start your application here.
Burning Coal Theatre Company, one of Raleigh, North Carolina’s premiere intimate professional theatres, offers opportunities for season-long internships (usually September – May) with an emphasis on arts management, stage management, directing and technical theatre. All internships include an administrative component and all can be tailored to the specific interests of the intern. Housing is available to out of town interns on a first come, first served basis. Please start your application here.
Burning Coal Theatre Company is Seeking a Marketing Intern
Burning Coal, a small, professional, nonprofit theatre located in downtown Raleigh, is seeking a marketing intern for the upcoming season. Currently, in its 28th season, Burning Coal is looking to increase relationships, media coverage, revenue streams, to implement PatronManager as its database, and to develop a long-term plan for sustainability.
The ideal candidate would be willing and able to work a consistent schedule of 20 hours per week between the hours of 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM on weekdays at our theatre offices in downtown Raleigh. Please do not apply if you like to come in late, leave early, or take repeated days off. If ever a self-starter was needed, this is it! Below are some of the qualities, passions, and experiences we are looking for. We understand that no one will have all of these:
Burning Coal is interested in a candidate who would like to grow with the company and possibly continue as an employee following the year of internship. In the first year, all we can offer the intern is housing.
Please submit your resume and letter of interest via email to coalartisticdir@ncrrbiz.com
TO TALK: Call us at 919.834.4001 or email coalartisticdir@ncrrbiz.com
Burning Coal Theatre Company is funded in part by the City of Raleigh based on recommendations of the Raleigh Arts Commission. Burning Coal Theatre Company is supported by the United Arts Council of Raleigh and Wake County.
Burning Coal Theatre | (919) 834-4001 | info@burningcoal.org | 224 Polk St., Raleigh NC 27604
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